Have fun: choose Text or Image Chinese Writing :
Manual Installation by Copy/Paste of the Chinese Font
It's the easiest et most rustic way. You need to knwon the notion of Directory and File.
- Provide you with the Microsoft Unicode font file ARIALUNI.TTF, the file contains the Chinese Writing.
It's now automatically installed by default in the Windows Fonts Directory with Windows XP.
- Copy the file into the Windows Fonts Directory %SystemRoot%\Fonts in your computer,
here the environment variable %SystemRoot% = C:\Windows on Windows 95, 98, Millenium, Windows XP.
%SystemRoot% = C:\WinNT on Windows NT, 2000. That is to say either in C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\WinNT\Fonts.
- Windows starts an automatic installation of the font Unicode Arial MS (TrueType).
- Now the Chinese is readable in the navigator, Word Processing software such as Microsoft Office...
Manual installation of the Chinese Font
If the Chinese text is still not shown, then no Chinese font has yet been installed in your computer,
but a Chinese Font correctly installed is necessary to see this page.
Normally, when you access this page of coding Simplified Chinese GB2312 (Guo Biao) of the Chinese language via
Internet Explore version 5.0 or more, Windows 2000 or Windows XP will automatically launch
the installation of the package of the Chinese language.
If that did not go, please try:
Method 1: utilsez the Windows Control Panel.
- You provide with the CD-Rom of installation of Windows 2000/XP or another recent version of Windows,
and insert it in the reader.
- Open "My Computer" of the Desktop/Control panel/Regional Options.
- In the list "Parameters of language for the system", notch the box "Simplified Chinese GB2312 (Guo Biao)" (used in Continental China and Singapor).
- Click OK.
- Follow the instructions...
Method 2: use Internet Explorer Only.
- You provide with the CD-Rom of installation of Windows 2000/XP or another recent version of Windows,
and insert it in the reader.
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Activate the Menu Show/Coding/More, select "Simplified Chinese GB2312 (Guo Biao)".
- The automatic installation of the corresponding language will be launched if that were not already done...
- Follow the instructions...
Navigators other than Internet Explorer.
For old versions of Netscape 5.0 or less, you must then place the preference of font
after the installation of the Chinese Font to employ it.
If you want to still write in Chinese, one needs Microsoft Office XP version 2002 or better,
and to install package IME (Input Method Editor)
of Microsoft.